Starting on a new diet always seems exciting initially. The promise of change and getting the body you’ve always dreamed off is exciting. Taking control of your health and improving it feels like an achievement.
However, once most people get into the grind of things, the excitement wears off real fast as reality sets in. You’ll need to overcome many challenges to stay true to your diet. Making any lifestyle change is hard work.
To make matters more challenging, you may be making mistakes that you’re unaware of. These errors could be impeding your progress and making things more difficult than they need to be.
This article will highlight five common mistakes that people make when they adopt a plant-based diet. Take note of what they are and avoid these pitfalls.
Trying to make changes too quickly
There are 2 ways to start any diet. You either go all in and go cold turkey overnight… or you take the slow approach and ease yourself into the diet. There are pros and cons to each approach, but it’s always advisable to take the slow approach.
When you gradually adopt the plant-based diet, you’re giving your body time to adapt. You won’t feel as frustrated, and your physiological changes will be less impactful. One common problem of switching to a plant-based diet is the increase in fiber. Whilst most people need more fiber in their diet, a sudden increase when you are not used to it can cause digestive problems. It’s best to increase your fiber intake gradually over a longer period.
Not reducing consumption of sugar
Many people assume that all they need to do is avoid meat and meat by-products. Yet, they neglect an ingredient that is just as bad as meat for health. They don’t reduce their consumption of refined sugar that is found in most processed foods.
Sugar is inflammatory to the body and your consumption of it should be minimized. Get your sugar from fruits or natural sources like honey, stevia or pure maple syrup.
Not planning their meals
Like the saying goes, “If you fail to plan, you’re planning to fail.” When embarking on a plant-based diet, it’s best to plan your meals in advance. This will take the thinking out of the equation when you’re hungry. Having a meal plan means that you know exactly what to eat and you can stay focused. There will be less temptation to fall back into out patterns of eating.
Eating the same foods all the time
Don’t always consume the same foods that you’re accustomed to. This can lead to boredom and in some cases, nutrient deficiency. Be adventurous and try new plant-based foods that you’ve never tried before.
Sometimes, you may not need to change the foods. You just need to learn how to prepare different dishes using the same foods. This will add variety to your diet and keep you interested.
Not using supplements
Even if you are following a well-balanced plant-based diet, there is still a chance that you may not be getting enough essential vitamins, such as B12 or minerals such as iron. Get a bottle of multivitamins and minerals to cover any deficiencies.
Avoid making these five mistakes and you’ll be much more likely to succeed with the plant-based diet and reap the rewards. Give yourself two months to truly immerse yourself in the diet and in most cases, you’ll never look back. Start today and feel the difference!